Popis produktu |
Proudové zatížení | stejnosměrný proud (DC) |
Jmenovité napětí [PICOS] | 51,2 V |
Number of phases | 1 |
Nominální kapacita baterie | 5.120 kWh |
Usable battery capacity | 4.864 kWh |
Maximální hloubka vybití | 95 % |
Number of complete charge cycles | 4000 |
Délka | 680,00 mm |
Šířka | 380,00 mm |
Výška | 152,50 mm |
Váha výrobku | 46000,00 g |
Model | Lithium-iontová |
Rozsah okolní teploty | 0…+35 °C |
Vhodné pro nouzové napájení | Ano |
Suitable for indoor installation | Ano |
Venkovní aplikace | Ne |
Druh ochrany | IP65 |
Quantity of precious metals | 0 mg |
Quantity of rare earths | 0 mg |
Minimum rate of recycled material in packaging | 80 % 1) |
Minimum percentage of recycled content in the product | 0 % 1) |
Product recyclability | Mostly recyclable product 1) |
Packaging recyclability | Mostly recyclable packaging 1) |
List of dangerous substances contained in the product in concentrations greater than 0.1% in mass percentage | Ne |
Contains substances of very high concern in concentrations greater than 0.1% by mass percentage | Ano |
List of substances of very high concern in concentrations greater than 0.1% in mass percentage | Lead (7439-92-1) |
1) According to AGEC Decree 2022-748 (French Anti-Waste-Legislation for a Circular Economy)
Kód produktu | Jednotka balení (kusy/jednotku) | Rozměry (délka x šířka x výška) | Hrubá hmotnost | Objem |
4099854199882 | Shipping box 1 |
755 mm x 230 mm x 465 mm | 50100.00 g | 80.75 dm³ |
EAN | Číslo STK |
4099854199882 | 8010067 |