Opis produktu |
Masa produktu | 20500,00 g |
Rodzaj akcesoriów | Inne |
Odpowiednie do | Fotowoltaika |
ETIM - Akcesorium (EF013236) | Tak |
ETIM - Część zamienna (EF013237) | Tak |
Quantity of precious metals | 0 mg |
Quantity of rare earths | 0 mg |
Minimum rate of recycled material in packaging | 80 % 1) |
Minimum percentage of recycled content in the product | 0 % 1) |
Product recyclability | Mostly recyclable product 1) |
Packaging recyclability | Mostly recyclable packaging 1) |
List of dangerous substances contained in the product in concentrations greater than 0.1% in mass percentage | Nie |
Contains substances of very high concern in concentrations greater than 0.1% by mass percentage | Tak |
List of substances of very high concern in concentrations greater than 0.1% in mass percentage | Lead (7439-92-1) |
1) According to AGEC Decree 2022-748 (French Anti-Waste-Legislation for a Circular Economy)
Kod produktu | Sposób wysyłki (opakowanie / liczba produktów) | Wymiary (długość x szerokość x wysokość) | Masa brutto | Objętość |
4099854199875 | Karton wysylkowy 1 |
675 mm x 445 mm x 264 mm | 24000.00 g | 79.30 dm³ |
EAN | numer SEG | numer STK |
4099854199875 | 2760095 | 8010071 |